St Luke Clinic
- St Luke Clinic is a non-profit Medical Organization.
- Our main goal is to help the community individuals who are seeking medical assistance and without any insurance coverage.
- St Luke Clinic is approved and registered in the State of Florida.
- St Luke Clinic functions under the State of Florida guidelines.
Who can be treated at St Luke clinic?
- Anyone can be seen if they meet certain criteria :
- No insurance or any medical coverage.
- Who meet 200% or less under the State of Florida income guidelines.
- If your medical coverage started or changed, it is very important to notify the clinic.
- We CAN NOT see or take care of any person who is under any form of coverage (Medicaid, Medicare or any other insurance or medical coverage).
- Any deviation will result in denying State coverage to the clinic.
Clinic availability
- St Luke Clinic is open every Monday from 7-9 pm ( unless otherwise announced )
- Treatment at St Luke Clinic is by appointment only
- St Luke Clinic does not have a call service or an answering service yet
- All medical care needed is done during the clinic hours only
- Lab , X-rays or any other reports are discussed during clinic hours only
- For appointments, click here
How much does it cost to be treated at St Luke Clinic?
- All visits done at the clinic are at no cost ( free of charge to you ).
- Lab , X rays , CT scans , MRIs or any additional referrals are done at a reduced cost ( not all services are free ).
- Some medications and free samples may be available at the clinic.
- Lab is being done at Florida Hospital and the cost is collected in advance.
- All available services at the clinic are based on donation and availability. Not all services are available.
- St Luke Clinic is not an emergency clinic or a substitute to the ER.